The Morukuru Goodwill Foundation is based in Hoorn, The Netherlands.
The goals of the Foundation are
- Promotion of Wildlife preservation & conservation
- To improve educational facilities
- To improve healthcare and associated health care facilities
- To assist in the welfare and wellbeing of people by providing assistance of sporting events
- Assisting, iniating, guiding and/or financing of economic activities to improve the social and economic standards of the communities
Morukuru Goodwill Foundation focusses on South Africa and more specifically on Madikwe Game Reserve and the De Hoop Nature Reserve.
Morukuru Goodwill Foundation is ANBI registered, a foundation with special tax status, and the Dutch registration and tax number is 8188.24.694
Provided certain conditions are met, tax-benefits may apply to Dutch donors and sponsors. Other nationalities will to have to check with their own tax advisors.
The boardmembers are:
- E.P. Zeeman, chairman
- A.M. Gerritsen, secretary
- P.R. de Vries, treasurer
All boardmembers are Dutch nationals.
For more information please contact Anka Reijnen (anka@morukurugwf.com)
The foundation doesn’t employ any staffmembers. All board members work on a voluntary basis without remuneration or expenses